Sunday, March 12, 2017

S-a dus si al treilea an / 3 years without you dad!

S-a dus si al treilea an, dragul meu tata!

Nu  e una din zilele fericite... Greu de crezut, ca au trecut deja trei ani de când ai plecat pentru totdeauna dintre noi!!!!  Nici acum nu-mi vine sa cred. Nu trece o zi fara sa ma gandesc la tine. Trei ani  fara tine fizic, dar cu tine mereu in gand...
Imi este dor de ochii tai, de mainile tale, imi este dor de zilele in care mergeam in vacanta impreuna, de blandetea ta, de privirea ta senina. Tare... mi-e dor de tine !

3 years without you, my dear father!

This is not one of the happy days.
Hard to believe that it`s been already 3 years since you left us. I still can not believe it. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you. 3 years without you, but always on my mind. I miss your eyes, your hands, I miss the days when we went together on vacation, your kindness... You will forever remain alive in our hearts and memories daddy, though we are learning to live without you,we still miss you so much...

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